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338 Main Street 

Huntington, NY 11743 



Of a Regular Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees 

Held June15, 2021,  

Station Branch 

PRESENT: Trustees: Kimberly Hawkins, Pat McKenna-Bausch, Ann Scolnick, Ann M.  Berger, Charles Rosner  

Library Director: Joanne Adam 

Assistant Library Directors: Kristine Casper and Teresa Schwind 

Business Manager: Jennifer Mulvihill 


Ms. Hawkins called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 

Ms. McKenna-Bausch made a motion, seconded by Ms. Scolnick, to approve the agenda as  presented for the June 15, 2021, Board of Trustees Meeting. The vote was unanimous. 

Mr. Rosner made a motion, seconded by Ms. McKenna-Bausch, to approve the Library Board of  Trustees Minutes of May 18, 2021. The vote was unanimous. 

A period of public expression was held.  

A motion was made by Mr. Rosner, seconded by Ms. Berger, that Warrant #26, May End of  Month, totaling $331,819.90, is paid. The vote was unanimous. 

A motion was made by Mr. Rosner, seconded by Ms. Berger, that Warrant #27, June  Disbursements, totaling $190,398.77, is paid. The vote was unanimous. 

A motion was made by Mr. Rosner, seconded by Ms. Berger, that Warrant #6, June Capital  Fund, totaling $4,782.50 is paid. The vote was unanimous.  

A motion was made by Ms. Berger, seconded by Mr. Rosner to commit $810,272 from the  Unassigned Fund Balance to the Station Development Fund and approve other reserves as  presented. The vote was unanimous. 

A motion was made by Ms. Berger, seconded by Mr. Rosner to close out the Grant Fund and  transfer the remaining balances back to the General Fund. The vote was unanimous. 

Business Manager Jennifer Mulvihill was available to answer questions related to her written  report and acknowledged the approval of the financial transfers. 

Committee Assignments: The Bylaws & Policy Committee met to review amendments to  Section 700 of the Policy Manual.  

A motion was made by Ms. Scolnick, seconded by Ms. Hawkins, to accept the June 2021,  Personnel Report as presented. The vote was unanimous. 

Assistant Library Director Kristine Casper updated her report by relating that we are looking into  getting quotes on various technologies, including the requested OWL Labs Meeting Pro, to run  hybrid meetings and programs effectively. An update on the elevator inspections was also given.  

Assistant Library Director Teresa Schwind gave an update to her written report announcing that  the new Program Registration software will go live to the public on our existing webpage in time  for the July 1st program registration. Justin Ray-Keefe and Chris Glaser have been working on  the new website which will allow for better internal control of customization and timely updates. 

Library Director Joanne Adam asked the Board to revisit the Mask Mandate considering the  Governor’s earlier announcement that those people fully vaccinated against COVD-19 are no  longer required to wear a mask in public settings.  

Ms. Scolnick made a motion, seconded by Mr. Rosner, to abide by the CDC and NY State  Guidelines that only unvaccinated individuals still need to wear masks when in the library and all  staff will continue to wear masks in all areas, while working, until the library has seventy percent  of all employees fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Once seventy percent of the staff is fully  vaccinated, then all staff who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to wear a mask  when working. The vote was unanimous.  

Ms. Adam also mentioned that we will be planning in-person and hybrid programming for the  fall. Community Groups can also begin to book rooms in the fall around the library’s  programming schedule.  

New Business: The approval of Section 700 of the policy manual was tabled until July pending  the attorney’s revisions.  

There was no Correspondence and Communication. 

A second period of public expression was held.  

At 7:12 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Scolnick, seconded by Mr. Rosner to enter Executive  Session to discuss the negotiation of a real estate purchase. The vote was unanimous. 

At 7:51 p.m., Ms. Hawkins reconvened the meeting. 

A motion was made by Ms. Scolnick, seconded by Ms. Hawkins to allow Ms. Adam and  designated staff to continue to investigate the purchase of the Station Branch building. The vote  was unanimous. 

At 8:00 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Hawkins, seconded by Mr. Rosner to adjourn the  meeting. At 8:00 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.  

Respectfully submitted:                                                                           Prepared by: 

_________________                                                                              ___________________________________________
Pat McKenna-Bausch                                                                               Secretary Kristine M. Casper, Assistant Library Director