Petra Puppets
Five friends in one van, all together? They need to learn about kindness, compassion and....loud snoring. Kids in the audience help Nugget the Wonder Chicken, and the rest of the cast, learn to get along with Steve in the funniest ways possible.
But please do not bring Guacamole - it makes the chicken crazy.
Starring: Nugget the Wonder Chicken, Alex from Andromeda, Eric the Sheep, Krusty the Stale Donut, Fernando McFruitfly, and the newest member of our cast - Okey Dokey.
The Main is located in the heart of Huntington Village, on the corner of Prospect Street and Main Street. The Main has a large auditorium and two smaller meeting rooms, one room for Children's programs and a conference room. There is also a Local History room located on the second floor and an Art Gallery located on the lower level.