AARP Tax Prep
Please note that some tax information, especially from brokerage firms, may not be sent until the end of February. AARP Tax-Aide is administered by the AARP Foundation in cooperation with the IRS. Electronic filing (e*filing) is included. You MUST bring your current tax records and copies of your last filed federal and state tax returns. All persons listed on the tax return must be present and MUST bring a photo ID and a Social Security card. Call 631-427-5165, ext. 251 or 122, for complete information and to make a reservation.
Appointments are open to all. AARP Tax-Aide is a free tax counseling and preparation service, helping low and middle-income taxpayers, with special attention to people ages 60 years and older. AARP Tax Aide volunteers cannot prepare returns that include rental property, military income, alternative minimum tax, or those with many stock transactions.
The Station Branch is located south of the LIRR train station on New York Avenue (Route 110). It has public computers for children, teen and adults, a large community room on the second floor as well as five smaller meeting rooms and a classroom style training room.