La biblioteca estará CERRADA el martes 31 de diciembre y el miércoles 1 de enero para la víspera y el día de Año Nuevo.
NYS Defensive Driving Class through Empire.
Drivers may reduce up to 4 points on their driving record or receive a 10% discount on vehicle liability, personal injury protection, and collision insurance for three years, and, possibly, a reduction of up to 4 points on your driving record every 18 months.
In-person registration is required with a non-refundable fee of $30.00. Checks should be made payable to: Empire Safety Council.
The Main is located in the heart of Huntington Village, on the corner of Prospect Street and Main Street. The Main has a large auditorium and two smaller meeting rooms, one room for Children's programs and a conference room. There is also a Local History room located on the second floor and an Art Gallery located on the lower level.